ServiceModel.Grpc global error handling in gRPC
ServiceModel.Grpc does not handle any errors by default. The general information about error handling is here.
This page shows how to implement custom gRPC exception handling with the following behavior:
- if the server throws an ApplicationException, on the client I want to catch ApplicationException
- UnexpectedErrorException is defined in the client. If the server throws InvalidOperationException or NotSupportedException I want to catch UnexpectedErrorException and see detailed information from the server, such as full exception
, exception type, gRPC method name, etc. - all other exceptions must be handled by gRPC API.
Create a contract
The service contract:
public interface IDebugService
// always throws ApplicationException
Task ThrowApplicationException(string message);
// randomly throws InvalidOperationException or NotSupportedException
Task ThrowRandomException(string message);
UnexpectedErrorDetail is a data contract that carries detailed information about InvalidOperationException or NotSupportedException from server to client.
public class UnexpectedErrorDetail
public string Message { get; set; }
public string MethodName { get; set; }
public string ExceptionType { get; set; }
public string FullException { get; set; }
Raise errors in gRPC server
The service implementation is simple
public sealed class DebugService : IDebugService
public Task ThrowApplicationException(string message)
throw new ApplicationException(message);
public Task ThrowRandomException(string message)
var randomValue = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond).Next(0, 2);
if (randomValue == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException(message);
throw new NotSupportedException(message);
Catch errors in gRPC clients
// IClientFactory DefaultClientFactory
var client = DefaultClientFactory.CreateClient<IDebugService>(...);
// catch ApplicationException
await client.ThrowApplicationException(" application error occur");
catch (ApplicationException ex)
// catch UnexpectedErrorException which is defined on client
await client.ThrowRandomException("random error occur");
catch (UnexpectedErrorException ex)
Console.WriteLine(" Message: {0}", ex.Detail.Message);
Console.WriteLine(" ExceptionType: {0}", ex.Detail.ExceptionType);
Console.WriteLine(" MethodName: {0}", ex.Detail.MethodName);
Console.WriteLine(" FullException: {0} ...", new StringReader(ex.Detail.FullException).ReadLine());
Create server error handlers
A server-side error handler is an implementation of interface IServerErrorHandler
with one method ProvideFaultOrIgnore
If the method returns null
, the exception is processed by gRPC API, otherwise ServiceModel.Grpc throws a RpcException
based on ServerFaultDetail
To meet the requirements we implement two error handlers. The first one ApplicationExceptionServerHandler
is responsible to process ApplicationException
public sealed class ApplicationExceptionServerHandler : IServerErrorHandler
public ServerFaultDetail? ProvideFaultOrIgnore(ServerCallInterceptorContext context, Exception error)
if (error is ApplicationException)
// provide a marker for the client exception handler
return new ServerFaultDetail { Detail = "ApplicationException" };
// ignore other exceptions
return null;
The second one UnexpectedExceptionServerHandler
is responsible to process InvalidOperationException
and NotSupportedException
public sealed class UnexpectedExceptionServerHandler : IServerErrorHandler
public ServerFaultDetail? ProvideFaultOrIgnore(ServerCallInterceptorContext context, Exception error)
if (error is NotSupportedException || error is InvalidOperationException)
// provide detailed information for the client error handler
var detail = new UnexpectedErrorDetail
Message = error.Message,
ExceptionType = error.GetType().FullName,
FullException = error.ToString(),
MethodName = context.ServerCallContext.Method
return new ServerFaultDetail { Detail = detail };
// ignore other exceptions
return null;
All other exceptions are handled by gRPC API.
Create client error handlers
A client-side error handler is an implementation of interface IClientErrorHandler
with one method ThrowOrIgnore
The method can ignore the original RpcException
, provided by gRPC API, or throws a custom exception to pass it to the caller.
To meet the requirements we implement two error handlers. The first one ApplicationExceptionClientHandler
is responsible to process the marker ApplicationException
provided by the server error handler.
internal sealed class ApplicationExceptionClientHandler : IClientErrorHandler
public void ThrowOrIgnore(ClientCallInterceptorContext context, ClientFaultDetail detail)
// if marker is ApplicationException
if ((detail.Detail is string name) && name == "ApplicationException")
// throw custom exception
throw new ApplicationException(detail.OriginalError.Status.Detail);
The second one UnexpectedExceptionClientHandler
is responsible to process the marker UnexpectedErrorDetail
provided by the server error handler.
// custom exception with detailed information from server
public class UnexpectedErrorException : SystemException
public UnexpectedErrorException(UnexpectedErrorDetail detail)
: base(detail.Message)
Detail = detail;
public UnexpectedErrorDetail Detail { get; }
internal sealed class UnexpectedExceptionClientHandler : IClientErrorHandler
public void ThrowOrIgnore(ClientCallInterceptorContext context, ClientFaultDetail detail)
// if marker is UnexpectedErrorDetail
if (detail.Detail is UnexpectedErrorDetail unexpectedErrorDetail)
// throw custom exception
throw new UnexpectedErrorException(unexpectedErrorDetail);
All other exceptions are handled by gRPC API.
Configure global error handling in core server
An error handler can be attached globally, for all ServiceModel.Grpc services.
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder();
.AddServiceModelGrpc(options =>
options.DefaultErrorHandlerFactory = serviceProvider => serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IServerErrorHandler>();
Or can be attached for a specific service.
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder();
.AddServiceModelGrpcServiceOptions<DebugService>(options =>
options.ErrorHandlerFactory = serviceProvider => serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IServerErrorHandler>();
In case there is a global error handler and a handler for a specific service. The global one is ignored.
In this example, we register a global error handler.
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder();
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IServerErrorHandler>(_ =>
// combine application and unexpected handlers into one handler
var collection = new ServerErrorHandlerCollection(
new ApplicationExceptionServerHandler(),
new UnexpectedExceptionServerHandler());
return collection;
.AddServiceModelGrpc(options =>
options.DefaultErrorHandlerFactory = serviceProvider => serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IServerErrorHandler>();
Configure global error handling in Grpc.Core.Server
An error handler can be attached for a specific service.
Grpc.Core.Server server = ...;
new DebugService(),
options =>
// combine application and unexpected handlers into one handler
options.ErrorHandler = new ServerErrorHandlerCollection(
new ApplicationExceptionServerHandler(),
new UnexpectedExceptionServerHandler());
Configure global error handling in client
An error handler can be attached globally, for all ServiceModel.Grpc service proxies.
IClientFactory factory = new ClientFactory(new ServiceModelGrpcClientOptions
ErrorHandler = ...
Or can be attached for a specific service.
IClientFactory factory = new ClientFactory();
factory.AddClient<IDebugService>(options =>
options.ErrorHandler = ...
In case there is a global error handler and a handler for a specific service. The global one is ignored.
In this example, we register a global error handler.
private static readonly IClientFactory DefaultClientFactory = new ClientFactory(new ServiceModelGrpcClientOptions
// combine application and unexpected handlers into one handler
ErrorHandler = new ClientErrorHandlerCollection(new ApplicationExceptionClientHandler(), new UnexpectedExceptionClientHandler())